We are BIMA

Connectors. Thought leaders. Champions. Changemakers.

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Our Mission

We are the British Interactive Media Association. BIMA is the voice of tech and creativity.
We represent a community of businesses, charities and academia across the UK. We drive innovation through knowledge sharing, showcasing best practice and developing talent. And we give our members the chance to have their voices heard and to make a difference.

Members of BIMA value innovation, the sharing of knowledge and best practice, and supporting the next generation of industry professionals. They are leaders in their field and committed to making outstanding experiences by harnessing the combination of technology and creativity.

Why Join BIMA?

As a BIMA member you are connected to a vibrant, innovative network of like-minded people who are driving the future through a combination of technology and creativity.

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Who's involved

Our team are committed to building a vibrant and collaborative community to drive the future of digital and tech across the UK. Based throughout the UK we are continually expanding our national reach.

Strategic Partners

More than just partners these companies have made a commitment to support the BIMA Community.

BIMA Experts

Our BIMA Experts are companies that we regard highly and recommend to our members and the wider community. When we need help or advice, these specialists – tech lawyers, accountants, R&D tax credit consultants are people we trust again and again.

They are our ‘go-to’ experts which we can highly recommend.

Our community structure

We are a community of communities. They sit at the heart of everything we do. BIMA councils set the agenda in digital hubs around the country and our Think Tanks help industry leaders and practitioners to fuel the future.

Our members

Sony Music joined BIMA to share knowledge, skills and expertise with the most talented people in digital. We love the work BIMA does and we’re proud to be members.
James Bassett, Head of Digital Creative, Sony Music Entertainment


Not a BIMA member yet? Join our vibrant and forward-thinking community today.

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