Year in Industry: Epic Escapades with the Events Dream Team!

By big group
14 Sep 2023

What degree are you doing at university and how did you come to work at big group?  

I was in my second year at Bournemouth University, where I study Management with Marketing, I applied for Big Group as a placement year. After my second interview with Mike, Al, and Steph, it was hard not to get my hopes up, what struck me was the awe-inspiring office aesthetic and the warm and welcoming nature of the team I was presenting to. 

You work in the Events Team, what does a classic day for you look like? 

The best part about being in the team, is that there is no typical day. We work on a number of high-profile events simultaneously so it can be fast-paced at times. I am fortunate enough to have a role that never stays the same for too long. On some events I will be doing venue searches for private dining and large-scale Christmas parties, but others I’m focussed more on the logistical side, arranging transport and travel schedules, ensuring all our onsite assets arrive where they should be in time for kick-off. As someone who isn’t great at sitting still for too long, the versatility of my job allows me to spend time at my desk putting in the groundwork, as well as being onsite at incredible events like The BRIT Awards, watching our months of work come together.  

Is this role as you expected? If not, what’s different?   

Having very limited knowledge about the events industry before big group, I came in with more nerves and curiosity than expectations. Coming from a leisure centre background where we work in shifts, it took me longer than expected to get used to leaving my bed by 7 a.m. every morning – but that’s pretty typical for a night owl uni student. The role was more fast-paced than I had thought, but I had an incredible team with varied experience who were a great support. Honestly, I don’t think I really found my feet until at least 4 months in, but since then, I’ve loved every minute, even the most stressful parts.   

Has your time at big group given you a better idea of what you would like to do in the future? (tell us!)  

The answer to this has changed more times than I can count, and I’m sure it will continue to do so. I wanted to become a doctor before realizing I struggled with science, and even tried starting my own business and opening a bar in my Dad’s memory. Looking back, I recognise that my work ethic and motivation weren’t what they needed to be to make these endeavours a success at such a young age. 

However, my experience at Big Group has not only given me valuable skills but has also ignited a newfound motivation within me. I’ve developed a stronger work ethic, and now I feel confident that I can achieve anything I set my mind to. I’ve come to genuinely love this industry, and I’m eager for the opportunity to continue working in it. 

In any workplace, the people and the environment have a huge impact on whether people like their jobs and I can’t imagine liking a job more than I do at big group.  

What’s been your favourite big event?  

My favourite event to work on was The Olivier Awards in April. I was able to work with a new team made up of various departments and the onsite experience was by far the best of the year. From being starstruck, as celebs I have grown up watching on TV casually walked past me on the red carpet, to having the privilege to watch the preshow rehearsals, with Hannah Waddingham being as impressive as ever.  

Event management is not always as glitz and glam as it seems, it can be a hard slog! What’s been the biggest challenge you’ve faced this year, and how have you and the team overcome it?  

The most challenging events have been those where logistics are unpredictable and we are working in new territories. Big Group has a history of organizing fantastic international events, but whenever there is a change in regulations or new restrictions (hello Covid), it brings unfamiliar obstacles and requires us to adapt quickly. 

My introduction to these challenges came in September 2022 during my second month on placement when the team travelled to Venice for an event. Venice closes many businesses in August for their summer break, adding to the stress of our preparations for the September events. Additionally, we faced the frustration of having thousands of pounds worth of perfumes held up at border security, and the logistical puzzle of transporting 40 umbrellas through an airport, only to return them to London unused. Despite these interruptions, the onsite team managed to deliver an incredible event. 

What have been the biggest things you learned since working at big group?  

From looking at my CV before big group to the one I will be returning to university with, the biggest difference is it’s now accurate! The skills I thought I had entering this role were far from the standard I initially thought. My work ethic, time management and overall motivation have improved considerably. I am proud of my personal development this year, which wouldn’t have been possible without the unconditional support from my team and colleagues.   

Finally, would you like to come back? 

If I was given the opportunity post-university I would return to big group without a doubt! Although I understand the importance of finishing my degree, I am extremely sad to be leaving and am grateful to everyone I’ve worked with this year for their patience and support. 


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