VR Best Practice Guidelines by the Immersive Think Tank

By Maria Chuhraeva
03 Apr 2018

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About our Best Practice Guide

AR/VR and other “immersive” technologies have captured the industry’s attention to such an extent that they are starting to drive creative thinking and – crucially – see real interest from brands.

The problem is that there is huge disparity in knowledge about the technologies involved, best practice and even what constitutes the best examples of work within the immersive technology area.

That’s where BIMA’s Immersive Tech Think Tank comes in. Together, our members have set out to help wider industry understand the true possibilities of VR, helping brands step beyond theme park novelty to explore now best practice can help their business.

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Featured case studies:

Selected by our council the following case studies demonstrate best practice. We like them for many reasons, which you can read below.

1. Case studies – Home: Immersive Spacewalk Experience by the BBC

Home: Immersive Spacewalk Experience

Inspired by the NASA training endured by British Astronaut Tim Peake Home enables would be astronauts to embark on a spacewalk 250 miles above the Earths surface. Produced by BBC Studios Tom Burton, working in partnership with immersive specialists Rewind – Home was developed in 2016 and has gone onto win multiple awards, including a Cannes Lion. It is the first experience the BBC has released for HTC Vive

Will Saunders, Consultant & Executive Producer

2. Case Studies- Formula E by Imagination

Formula E VR Experience

A mind-blowing, fully immersive, 4D, Virtual Reality experience taking guests on an unforgettable, exhilarating ride with the Jaguar i-TYPE. 

The experience to take visitors at Autoshows and Formula-E races on a multi-sensory journey through Jaguar’s racing heritage, challenging them to compete with other drivers and visit the key locations of Formula E series.

James Watson, Imagination

3. Case Study: The Battle of the Somme in Virtual Reality by Sibro and Mashbo

This innovative history education project was designed to bring The Battle of the Somme into UK classrooms through virtual reality and synched headsets.

Working with renowned historian and broadcaster Peter Barton, Mocha shot both ground and aerial 360 footage on a GoPro Omni rig with 6 GoPro Hero 4 cameras. During the 10-day shoot on the Somme in late summer 2016, Mocha produced over 30 individual pieces of 360 content, expertly presented by Peter Barton in a wide variety of battlefield locations. 

The Battle of the Somme in Virtual Reality was officially launched at a major event in St.George’s Hall, Liverpool on 23rd March 2017 and the project featured heavily on national media including BBC Breakfast and BBC Online over the following weeks.

Owen Cotterall, Director at Owen Cotterell Limited

Other great examples of VR in action:

Gareth Fry – AMBEO Expert Series

Jaguar I Pace Concept by Rewind

Virtual Umbrella Unrest VR 

The Making of  Modigliani by Preloaded

About the Immersive Think Tank

The BIMA Immersive Technologies Think Tank was established to inspire, provoke and educate BIMA members on the power of immersive technologies, and inform the national debate on how to create better immersive experiences and to make immersive valuable. 

It does that by publishing industry-respected white papers and best practice guidelines (such as its recent guide to VR best practice) and hosting events such as BIMA Breakfast Briefings and Roundtables. 

The Council is chaired by Lawrence Weber of Karmarama, supported by a team of acknowledged industry experts

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