Sylvain Reiter

Client Services Officer, Cyber-Duck

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As the co-founder and CSO of Cyber-Duck, Sylvain draws on a diverse range of expertise across front- and back-end development, technical SEO, digital, mobile and marketing strategy to deliver innovative, inclusive solutions for clients like Cancer Research UK and Thomas Cook Money.

Balancing a role as business strategist, account manager and digital counsel, Sylvain carefully guides complex projects from conception to completion. A certified ScrumMaster well-versed in Agile methods, he manages and evaluates digital production across departments; his personable, informed approach launches projects on time and in budget, winning client praise and staff professional satisfaction.

Committed to sharing knowledge, Sylvain has given workshops and talks for professional delegates at UX London, Rackspace Academy and the Business Media Insights conference. Last year, Sylvain lent his insights to two panels for the FinTech Design Summit, exploring ‘The End of FinTech’ and ‘The Impact of Open Banking in 2019’.