Aiden Carroll

Co-Founder, The Coloring in Department

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I’ve have worked with numerous brands, mainly Fortune & FTSE 100s, in shaping and delivering their digital and advertising strategies – not to neglect making sure those strategies stick, with a ton of up skilling. To date, I’ve been involved in campaigns producing 20+ awards, from the Cannes Lions to the Webbys.

I’m more than a little bit obsessed with the technology sector, and even more so with the future of education and communicating ideas. I’ve trained over 65,000 marketers to date, from over 75 countries.

I’m currently spending a great deal of time nurturing the marketing needs of a variety of global brands, as co-founder of The Coloring In Department, as the creator of the Google Squared program, as part of a crack team of General Assembly tech folk, and as a presenter.

I speak at conferences internationally on anything from data and privacy through to measuring campaigns – and an awards judge when time allows.

Most importantly, I love what I do, and anyone who tells you different is a damn liar, and definitely can’t be trusted.