Sagittarius Celebrates 3 Sitecore MVP’s in 2020

By Remarkable
06 Mar 2020

January was an exciting month for Sagittarius as we secured, once again, 3 awards in the 2020 Sitecore MVP programme. A Sitecore MVP (Most Valuable Professional) is an individual who has extensive expertise in Sitecore and actively shares their knowledge, online and offline, with others and exists so Sitecore can recognise individuals that go beyond their everyday roles to share their knowledge within active Sitecore communities. 

Sagittarius is home to three Sitecore MVP’s who include Co-Founders and Joint CEOs Nick Towers and Paul Stephan alongside Head of Digital Engineering, Anton Tishchenko. 

Nick Towers has been recognised as a Sitecore Strategy MVP every year for the past four years with this year being no exception demonstrating a substantial understanding of data-driven context marketing and utilise Sitecore Experience Cloud to drive business results for our clients.

Secondly, Paul Stephan has been awarded an Ambassador MVP title for the third year running. Continuing on from last year, Paul has championed coherent knowledge of the most recent Sitecore offering and provide value for Sitecore, by influencing partners, industry, customers and decision-makers. 

Finally, for the second year running Anton Tishchenko has been awarded Technology MVP which is an individual with a distinct and concise technical experience and actively participates in online and offline activities to share their expertise within the Sitecore community. Most excitingly, Anton is still the only MVP based in Ukraine!

We want to say a huge congratulations to all three team members that have been awarded this globally recognised title again this year. You can find the other individuals that have been awarded here.  


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