BIMA Awards 2023 Releasing Norton Genie

Produced by: Else Produced for: Norton / Gen


Releasing Norton Genie

Scams are becoming more sophisticated and harder to spot. In response, Norton – a leader in Cyber Safety – has created Norton Genie – a real-time AI-powered scam detector to check if texts, emails, websites and social media posts are legitimate.

Norton has leveraged their vast data sets, coupled with natural language processing (NLP) and image recognition to identify scam-related patterns. Customers can also ask Genie questions about scams, and it will provide effective answers.

The craft in the user experience focused on doing justice to the AI-powered magic while keeping the product super simple to use, with frictionless access on iOS and web. In designing the experience, we also helped create a new digital brand identity.

For Genie’s central interaction – representing the smarts of the service – we designed an animated orb. This asset becomes a compelling focal point for the experience, new brand and business intention – strengthening the correlation between Norton Genie and its central function.


Use of AI: Bronze