Re-brand for Webigence web development company

12 Feb 2016

As an ASP.NET web development company based in London, we obviously believe the web is an important, growing and ever changing entity so it was about we updated our own website and branding to reflect the clients we work with and the projects we now produce and build.

Webigence re-branded website

Our in house UI visual creative and UX structural lead set to work on the re-brand and the re-structure of the website creating a more sophisticated and elegance look and feel. With a mixture of custom designed images and photographic content, visually we hope the website is much more appealing and show cases our technical work well.

Webigence fun graphical images

This was a particular challenge they faced, in knowing how to best represent what we do as a back-end programming company. Pictures of coding can be boring and look meaningless, so something more vibrant was needed that showed our work and explained the key aspects of what we have done and achieved for the main projects.


Take a look and see what you think.

If you happen to have a complex project you need expert programming help with then don’t hesitate to get in touch via email or by phone 020 8739 0030.


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