New Red Badger Design School

By Andrea Moore
12 Jan 2018

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At Red Badger, we work in cross-functional teams – tech, design, delivery and business all working together whatever we are working on. Innovation, delivery, you name it.

Knowledge transfer between the disciplines had been happening by osmosis during the projects. However, we wanted to accelerate this process so that every badger can become a vocal and confident advocate of good design and user centred process.

Solution? Red Badger Design School. Using the teaching experience of our badger designers (some of us teach at General Assembly and Kings College), we decided to run our bespoke design school for non-design badgers. It also helps designers to practice facilitation – the skill becoming more and more important as a designer.

We’ve run two versions so far. The first was an evening course over 5 weeks. Then we tried a one-day bootcamp over the weekend. We will keep iterating, but so far we are getting a good response from our attendees.

“I liked all of it! I think newer badgers especially will benefit from the content. As a seasoned badger there was a lot of things I’d already picked up via osmosis over the years. That said it’s very different to hear about it than actually do it, so that was fun and enlightening!”

– an attendee

And it’s just great fun making things.

See more photos in the original article by Chief Design Officer Sari Griffiths at


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