Meet the member: Rob Shaw, CEO at CreativeRace

01 Jul 2022

We sat down with Rob Shaw, CEO at CreativeRace. Rob has been an agency CEO for the last 15 years from small start-ups to UK PLC’s.

1. Give us the elevator pitch for your company

CreativeRace has a long history (over 40 years) as a trusted independent creative agency supporting clients across multiple sectors and regions. In recent years we have expanded as an integrated agency, building on our firm foundations and growing our teams with well-respected industry professionals. We are proud to measure a number of our client relationships in decades not years or months; I think that has been achieved by finding the balance for both client and agency success in all that we do.

2. Tell us about a typical day – or – something interesting that happened recently in your company.

I’ll share something interesting from last week rather than the typical excitement of a client win or celebrating a new industry award (not that those aren’t enjoyable!).

Every Friday we wrap-up the week across the agency, bringing everyone together – some people in person and some dialling in from home. We celebrate successes, achievements, briefly update on the events of the week and highlight key items for the week ahead. As well as this we try to get a colleague to end the week with a presentation of something that matters to them. It could be a hobby or interest; it could be an example of recent client work or a skill they are learning.

Last week one of our team shared with everyone how they spend every Thursday evening as a volunteer driver for the Ambulance Service – it was humbling. They don’t do it for the kudos, have almost never mentioned it in the past but took 15 minutes on a Friday afternoon to explain the training they had been through and shared stories of their experiences driving people from different backgrounds going through all kinds of challenging experiences to and from hospital because they wanted to give something back – it was touching.

3. What do you love most about what you do?

The variety.  Both within our own company and across the clients we support I have the opportunity to meet fascinating people doing interesting things. The industry is always changing, consumer behaviour moves on and technology drives the pace of change. If you enjoy doing something different every day, learning new things and engaging with people then this is great industry to be in.

4. What’s the best thing about being a BIMA member?

We have only been a member for a short time, but it has already been great to attend recent events, connect (and re-connect) with peers in the industry as well as digest the regular updates on our sector.

5. Tell us about an opportunity you’ve had or a business problem you’ve solved as a result of being a BIMA member. 

One of the main reasons for joining BIMA was to have access to and take part in the work they are doing on the sustainability agenda within our industry. It’s a topic we take seriously and when doing initial research into who could help us learn more and drive our own agenda forward, we thought the approach BIMA was talking was excellent.

6. Please share any news/content from CreativeRace

One of our key focuses as a business is to champion creativity in the North of England. We have a great opportunity to do just that as we are currently supporting two talented trainees from Channel 4’s Content Creatives programme. The programme offers people aged 18-24 from our region the chance to kickstart a career in creative digital media. We’re thrilled to be able to help these two young people further explore their passion for digital and apply their skills in an agency environment.



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