Meet our Member: Danny Bluestone, Founder & CEO, Cyber-Duck

By Rachel Johnson
17 Jun 2018

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The first software as a service web application enquiry came through the old BIMA website directory. It was a project for a TV celebrity who was totally bonkers. Danny Bluestone, Founder & CEO, Cyber-Duck

Give us the elevator pitch for your company.

Cyber-Duck is a new breed of agency that has been underpinned by user experience and agile since 2005. We deliver transformation for clients like Bank of England, Thomas Cook Money and Mitsubishi Electric. Cyber-Duck is focused on digital transformation through user-centred design, data, technology and a lean way of thinking. Our clients have trusted us for over 13 years.

Briefly, tell us about a typical day – or – tell us something interesting/unusual/fantastic that happened this week.

We launched our shiny new website and celebrated our Chief Production Officer Matt Gibson’s 11th anniversary working for our agency.

What do you love most about what you do?

The fusion of psychology, design and marketing. Being creative but also very technical at the same time.

What’s the best thing about being a BIMA member?

The best thing was meeting Jakob Nielson in 2008, the UX pioneer of the Neilson Norman Group.

Tell us about an opportunity you’ve had or a business problem you’ve solved as result of being a BIMA member.

Our first software as a service web application enquiry came through the previous BIMA website’s directory. It was a project for a TV celebrity who was totally bonkers and we enjoyed working with him. I also hired Justin Cooke, as a Non-Executive Director to join our leadership team. I first met him through BIMA.

What difference has BIMA membership made to you/your business?

It challenges us to be the best we can be,  through the member’s providing ongoing inspiration and constantly trying to raise the industry’s bar for design, technology and marketing campaigns. 

Get in touch with Cyber-Duck to find out more about their work and the team by exploring their website.


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