Imagine Better Series: The Future of Call Tracking

By Passion Digital
05 Dec 2023

In today’s digital era, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance their marketing strategies and maximise their return on investment (ROI). Call tracking emerges as a powerful tool that empowers businesses to optimise their digital marketing campaigns, gain valuable customer insights, and drive revenue growth. That’s why we partner with Infinity and are a Hub Certified Partner.

To delve into the transformative impact of tracking calls and where the future of this technology is heading, we invited Alex Hoffmann, our Managing Partner at Passion Digital and Chris Browne, Head of Insights at Infinity for an insightful discussion. Together, they explored the significance of call tracking in today’s business landscape and envisioned its future trajectory

How Infinity Call Tracking Will Revolutionise Your Business

Here is how we prepare for the future of call tracking and how this will change in the future:

Benefits of Call Tracking

The benefits of call tracking are multifaceted, contributing to overall business success:

Watch the Video Interview 

For a deeper dive into the transformative impact of call tracking, watch our insightful interview with Alex Hoffmann, Managing Partner at Passion Digital and Chris Browne, Head of Insights at Infinity.

Overall, call tracking is a valuable tool for any business that wants to improve its digital marketing campaigns and drive more revenue. It’s easy to set up and use and it can provide valuable insights into customer behaviour and the performance of your marketing campaigns.

The future of call tracking is now – organisations leveraging call analytics tools can reduce average handling time by 40%. If you’re not sure where to begin with call tracking software, please get in touch with us to learn more and Imagine Better attribution for your campaigns.

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