Humans Behaving Badly – the BIMA Breakfast Briefing

By Rachel Johnson
27 Jun 2018

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How conscious is your decision-making? Do you believe you are in the driving seat? To find out, BIMA’s latest Breakfast Briefing dived into the future of neuromarketing and behavioural economics for businesses and brands.

Before he became Iron Man, Robert Downey Jnr was a self-confessed mess, a drug addict on a seemingly one way journey to self-destruction… until he met his match at Burger King.

“I have to thank Burger King, It was such a disgusting burger I ordered,” he told Empire Magazine and as reported by MTV. “I had that, and this big soda, and I thought something really bad was going to happen.”

He cleaned his car of every last trace of cocaine and heroin, tossed the lot in the ocean, then cleaned himself up too. Teodora Miscov, Marketing Executive at Lab, believes we could all use a few more ‘bad burger moments’.

That was the launch point for the latest BIMA Breakfast briefing, at which Teodora examined ways of using nudge theory and behavioural economics to inject a few more ‘bad burger’ moments into people’s lives to encourage behavioural change.

Jonny Tooze, Founder & MD of Lab, explored how virtually all our decision making is unconscious, including the compulsion to improve our lifestyles and the biases that affect our lives.

Daryll Scott, Director of Human Technology at Lab explored how nothing happens without emotion, how non-conscious is not ‘stupid’ (it’s the opposite) and that as consumers, we really don’t know what we want.

And Adrian Webb, Non-Exec Director at, spoke about the tools of compulsion, such as how repetitive musical phrases have been an incredibly powerful tool in marketing brands like Go Compare and Sheila’s Wheels because of the way the music and lyrics become embedded in our memories.

The following Q&A explored the moral obligation of wielding behavioural influence and how the panellists determine how far is too far (and the sectors they won’t work with).

Thanks to all our panellists and to everyone who joined us, and if you couldn’t make it, it’s well worth grabbing a coffee and watching it here.

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