50% of marketers incorporate forms of experiential marketing to drive conversions. Getting to build a strong relationship with customers can help your organisation understand what target audiences responded best whilst on your site. With the experimentation testing market rapidly growing, companies that are ignoring the strategy are at a high risk of falling behind their competitors.
The market size for A/B testing is expected to grow to over £902.29 million by 2025. As the strategy is becoming more common across different industries, ignoring or poor utilisation of the products puts your organisation at a disadvantage to competitors who have already started building stronger relationships with customers. By investing in experimentation technology, your business can maximise CRO.
With over 500,000 live sites using an expiring technology, ambitious organisations must start their search sooner rather than later. Discover the perfect replacement platform in our head-to-head comparison of Google Optimize 360 vs Optimizely.