How SGE Will Impact Paid Search: The Future of Paid Search

By Lydia Goonetillake
06 Feb 2024

Remember the Google search page you knew ten years ago? A wall of blue links, mostly text-based, might come to mind. Today’s search experience is vastly different, an explosion of multimedia content tailored to your specific needs. Gone are the days of dull results, Google now serves an engaging, visual feast, incorporating diverse links, videos and images. 

This evolution highlights Google’s constant pursuit of user experience. While gradual changes often fly under the rada due to frequent use, a decade-long comparison reveals a dramatic shift. We’ve entered the era of “experiential search”, where results anticipate your intent and deliver visually-rich answers you can intuitively explore. 

Looking ahead, Google’s journey is clear: the future of search is visual. Regardless of how you ask your questions, expect compelling, visually-driven results that cater to your unique search journey. 

Google SERP, January 2024

SGE: Revolutionising Search with AI-Powered Answers

Hold onto your keyboards, folks! Since May 2023, Google has been testing a game-changer: Search Generative Experience (SGE). Currently in trial runs across the US, India and Japan, this AI-powered tool promises to transform search as we know it. 

No more sifting through endless blue links! SGE puts AI front and centre, offering contextual answers to even the most complex questions. Imaging asking Google a natural-language query like “How do I plan a budget-friendly trip to Italy?”. Instead of just links, SGE would use its AI magic to generate a comprehensive response right at the top of the search results page. 

This shift aligns perfectly with our evolving search habits. We’re increasingly asking longer, more conversational questions (data shows it, see below) and SGE anticipates this trend. Think of it as Google becoming your own personal ChatGPT, understanding your intent and delivering tailored information. 

This isn’t just a fad, it’s a major step in Google’s mission to provide the most relevant results possible. We’ve already seen their commitment to AI with tools like RankBrain, BERT AI and MUM. SGE builds upon this legacy, pushing the boundaries of search towards a truly personalised, intuitive experience. 

So, buckle up! With SGE’s potential global rollout in 2024, the future of search is looking more human-friendly and informative than ever before. 

Data source: Statista 

Unveiling SGE: Your interactive Google search partner 

SGE reimagines search by placing AI front and centre. Here’s what you can expect: 

At first glance

Beyond the basics:

What’s not included

Remember: Traditional organic search results still have their place below these new features. Use them to explore different perspectives and delve deeper into the topic. 

This is just the beginning! SGE is constantly evolving, promising a more interactive and informative search experience that adapts to your needs. Be prepared to be amazed! 

SGE on Google screenshot, source:

SGE puts AI front and centre, source:

See the world through different lenses: Exploring with SGE Perspectives

Picture searching online and encountering not just facts, but real-life experiences and informed opinions. That’s the power of SGE Perspectives, Google’s game-changer for exploring diverse viewpoints. 

Here’s what makes it unique:

SGE Perspectives is just the beginning. Get ready to explore the web in a whole new light, where understanding goes beyond facts and embraces the richness of human experience. 

Perspectives search result example, source:

How SGE shakes up paid search: opportunities and challenges 

Let’s delve into the potential impact of SGE on paid search and how you can adapt: 

Evolving queries and clickless searches: With SGE, expect a wider range of query types driving traffic. Users may also be better informed before clicking, thanks to Snapshot summaries. This translates to higher quality traffic and better conversion rates for those landing on your site

But fear not! Google hears your concerns:

Ads in SGE: A silver lining

The takeaway? SGE presents both challenges and opportunities. By understanding its impact and leveraging Google’s assurances about continued ad support, you can adapt your paid search strategy to thrive in this evolving landscape. 


Why Google’s Search Generative Experience Matters to Advertisers

AI in Search: Evolving Tactics, Enduring Value for Marketers

While the implications of AI are vast, this article has dissected its impact on the specific realm of search and Search Engine Marketing (SEM). While AI will undoubtedly reshape the landscape, the core tenet of SEM: creating valuable, user-focused content, remains paramount, even as Google emphasises it further. 

Yes, AI advancements on platforms like Google might dramatically alter how search marketing functions. However, the fundamentals remain unchanged: crafting high-quality, human-centric content is still critical. 

While consumer brand discovery might bypass traditional websites, AI still relies on information sources. This information stems from the content marketers create and disseminate across websites and digital platforms. So, marketers aren’t becoming obsolete, but rather adapting to how and where their content is presented.

In essence, AI is transforming the tools and channels of SEM, not its core value proposition. Marketers who embrace these changes and prioritise authentic, informative content will thrive in the evolving search landscape. 

The way we search is evolving and with it comes a gold rush of opportunities for brands to connect with audiences in groundbreaking ways. SGE presents challenges, yes, but also immense potential to reach and engage your target audience like never before.

Don’t get left behind in the dust. Partner with us today to navigate the exciting new search landscape and unlock its full potential for your brand.

Want to stay ahead of the curve? Dive deeper into the changing search habits with our informative blog post, ‘How Search Habits Are Changing‘. Get the lowdown on the latest trends and insights to prepare your brand for the future of search. 

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