How Search Habits Are Changing: The Future of Paid Search

By Passion Digital
05 Feb 2024

The world of paid search is spinning faster than a click-through ad. New technologies, changing consumer behaviour and emerging players are reshaping the landscape in dramatic ways, with no end in sight. In our Future of Paid Search series, we’ll navigate these evolving waters, starting with how search habits themselves are transforming

Search Habits Are Evolving! 

The trusty search funnel? It’s time to rethink it. Today’s searchers are savvier, bouncing between stages and using diverse formats like voice and image search. 

The search funnel in 2018

Remember 2018? Search was a well-worn path, with SEO dominating the info-hungry “discovery mode” at the top and PPC waiting at the bottom for purchase-ready customers. 

The search funnel in 2022

The search landscape has undergone a seismic shift, with platforms like YouTube, TikTok and Instagram Reels emerging as powerhouses. Users are increasingly turning to these video-driven platforms to explore, discover and make decisions, bypassing traditional search engines altogether. 

Why the shift? These platforms hold immense power due to: 

The rise of TikTok as a “search engine” is particularly noteworthy. Gen Z, now crossing the threshold of adulthood, demonstrates a 34% higher preference for social platforms over serach engines for brand discovery and research according to our research using Global Web Index (GWI). 

What does this mean for businesses? Adapting to this new reality is crucial. Consider: 

Embrace the era of video-driven search. By recognising this shift and adapting your approach, you can capture the attention and influence the decisions of users in this new digital landscape. 

Gen Z redefines search with a swipe 

Search isn’t what it used to be. Forget dusty old search engines – social media is leading the charge for Gen Z, who are 30% less likely to use search engines for brand research compared to millennials (25-34), according to GWI research. That’s right, a seismic shift is happening as younger generations discover brands with clicks, taps and swipes on platforms like TikTok, Instagram and YouTube. 

This isn’t a fad, it’s a revolution. Social media isn’t just for sharing selfies anymore. It’s where Gen Z researches, explores and makes decisions about brands. This means businesses need to adapt or get left behind. 

Here’s how you can in the new age of social search:

The future of search is social. Don’t miss out on connecting with Gen Z and beyond. Adapt, engage and thrive in this exciting new landscape! 

The search funnel in 2024

Get ready for a wild ride because the search landscape is transforming at breakneck speed! Buckle up and prepare for: 

AI-powered search results: Bard and ChatGPT are just the beginning. AI will soon deliver search results directly, reducing clicks and website visits. Google’s 2024 “Search Generative Experience” is a prime example. This changes everything for organic and paid search. 

Social shopping explosion: Remember 2022’s rise of TikTok and YouTube in the search funnel? Now, they;ve evolved with TikTok Shop and YouTube Shopping. Users can buy directly within the platforms, eliminating website visits. Transactional search intent is diversifying and users can complete their entire journey without leaving their favourite apps. This disrupts paid search, particularly in the lower funnel. 

Chatbots become your personal guides: Say hello to AI-powered chatbots offering personalised support throughout your search journey. Need a 3-day Paris itinerary? Bard creates on for you, complete with visuals and links. Chatbots like Bard aim to offer concise information, not just a list of websites. 

What does this mean for you? Buckle up and adapt!

The future of search is dynamic, social and personalised. Are you ready to ride the wave? 

Social shopping and AI search: Are websites doomed?

Social platforms like TikTok Shop and AI assistants like Bard are shaking things up, offering in-app purchases and personalised search results, potentially bypassing websites altogether. But does this mean websites are on their last legs? Not necessarily. Let’s delve deeper. 

While websites remain a staple of the digital landscape, a shift in consumer discovery habits is happening. Global Web Index data reveals a changing landscape for how people find new brands and products. 

While traditional media still holds the top spot, with a slight decline (-13% from 2017-2023), social media is catching up fast. Ads on social media platforms have seen a significant rise (+11%), suggesting their growing influence in brand discovery. 

Interestingly, search engines also show a decrease (-12%) in their role in discovery. This could be due to various factors, like the increasing use of visual content and social media recommendations. 

So, are websites doomed? Not necessarily. 

Websites still offer unique advantages: 

The key takeaway? 

Websites won’t vanish, but they need to adapt. Integrating social media elements, optimising content for discovery and prioritising user experience are crucial for websites to stay relevant in the changing discovery landscape. 

While traditional media’s influence declines, search engines surge! New data from Global Web Index shows a surprising trend: when actively seeking information on brands, products or services, users turn to search engines more than ever (up 5%!). This strengthens the case for websites, indicating consumers still navigate Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) and delve deeper into relevant website content for in-depth understanding. So, instead of fearing an “end of websites”, maybe it’s time to embrace their strategic importance in the online information ecosystem

Here’s why it matters

Remember, it’s not an either/or situation. Social media plays a key role too, but for deeper dives and informed decisions, search engines and websites remain a powerful combination

Don’t write off websites yet! While new trends like social shopping and AI search emerge, data confirms that websites remain crucial for brands across the entire customer journey. 

Remember, search engines haven’t gone anywhere. They’re still vital for brand discovery and research, ensuring consumers still land on your website. But to truly stand out, your website needs to evolve beyond a simple “doorway”

Think of it as a brand experience hub. Go deeper than just product pages. Foster post-purchase support, build communities and cultivate long-term loyalty. Embrace the shift, where discovery may happen on social media, but trust and connection bloom on your website. 

Your website isn’t about every click, it’s about building relationships. Don’t see it as competition with social platforms, see it as complementary. Leverage each channel’s strengths for a holistic approach.

Ready to thrive in the new digital landscape? Let’s discuss how to adapt your website and build lasting customer connections in this exciting era. Together, we’ll ensure your brand not only survives, but flourishes in a rapidly evolving world. 

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