Pimento Agency Update

Posted by Pimento

Now twice a year, we host an insightful session, The Agency Update, where we provide you with an all-encompassing snapshot of the industry’s most current and relevant consumer trends, plus Pimento’s latest activity.

Joining us will be Annabel Dunstan, Founder & CEO of Question & Retain, who will share the Alliance of Independent Agencies’ latest People Pulse. Plus Oliver Wright, EVP at Savanta, who will take us through the very latest consumer and business confidence data from their tracker.



Annabel Dunstan

CEO & Founder of Question & Retain
Annabel will reveal the findings from the latest People Pulse survey of independent agencies, commissioned by the Alliance. She will also take us through an overview of the recent Pimento Membership Survey.

Oliver Wright

Oliver will deliver Savanta’s latest Poll results on consumer and business confidence data. 


Wed, 22 Jan 2025
11:00 - 12:00


City of London

Online (Zoom)




Pimento is a full service agency, supported by the UK’s largest community of independent digital & marketing agencies and consultants.

Pimento creates bespoke marketing solutions for clients, breaking the mould of traditional agency approaches. 

We are a multi-discipline blend of 175 different independent agencies, founders, drivers, consultants, richly experienced team players and innovators in their field, to help clients see around corners.

We build teams from scratch, think around a client’s business or marketing challenge, and select the best partners for any task, with a central hub to manage the resources on your behalf if and as required.

All flowing from an 18-year track record of positive disruption, tackling pain points and championing collaborative works of working for the very largest and smallest of brands and businesses. 



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