BIMA Senior Leaders Peer Network Roundtable

Posted by BIMA

A practical, forward thinking and interactive session focusing on your current challenges as strategists.

Online Only Event: We will send you a meeting link once you sign up. 

This is a BIMA Member only session. For more information on becoming a BIMA Member visit the BIMA Site or email

Senior leaders within agencies have a lot to contend with – the success of the business, the wellbeing of their team, the pipeline, and agency output. A lot of it, if not all of it, often rests on their shoulders. And unless you’ve been in that position, it’s hard to empathise or offer the right support and help.

Our monthly sessions provide a safe space for the community to come together and discuss any problems or challenges you’re facing, and to share your own insight into solutions you and your team are working on to overcome these barriers.

Hosted by Simon Harmer, Founder of Thursday and no stranger to the trials mentioned above, the discussion will centre around the most pressing topic the group decides on. Help will come from the perspectives of those in the room – people whose experiences mirror your own.

Our Peer Network leads will guide the discussion, sharing perspectives, but crucially looking into what you are doing.

Limited to 12 attendees to allow for discussion. The Chatham House Rule applies and places are strictly limited to one per organisation. 

We hope you can make it!

Your data is important to us and we’re committed to protecting it. We have updated our policy to make it easy for you to understand your choices and the control you have over your data. Please review here.

Your data is important to us and we’re committed to protecting it. We have updated our policy to make it easy for you to understand your choices and the control you have over your data. Please review here.


Thu, 01 May 2025
10:00 - 11:00


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