BIMA Generative Genius | AI Workshop

Join Derek and Norts of AI pioneers, The Peeps, for their first of the 2024 quarterly events, “Generative Genius,” an exclusive online gathering designed for BIMA members to stay at the forefront of generative AI developments.

Session Highlights:

  • Learn the Latest: Immerse yourself in a curated knowledge session that captures the most pivotal generative AI advancements since the onset of 2024.
  • Expert Analysis: Benefit from the expertise of leading AI specialists who will break down the complexities and explain the trends.
  • Interactive Q&A: Have your questions answered. Dive deeper into discussion topics with direct access to our experts during the Q&A segment.

Why Attend?

  • Insightful Overviews: Receive a concise, yet comprehensive understanding of the recent leaps in generative AI technology.
  • Practical Understanding: Gain clarity on how the latest AI trends may impact your business and industry.
  • Stay Ahead: Equip yourself with the knowledge to lead and innovate in an AI-transformed landscape.

Who is this for?

Not experts! (Though you’re welcome to join us). Each quarterly catch-up is for creative agency professionals who are interested in exploring generative AI, or for those who play a role in making production decisions for high-quality work. The goal is for attendees to leave knowing all the very latest ideas, innovations and breakthroughs. You don’t need to be a code nerd. These events are about empowering you with accessible, easily digested Gen AI knowledge. You will be the go-to person as you will be up-to-date with the tools and techniques.

Expect oodles and insight, inspiration and irreverence. Reserve your place today.




Richard Norton, Co-founder, The Peeps

Richard aka ‘Norts’ has finally accepted that he is a veteran of marketing. Starting out as a Junior Copywriter in 1994 – after a short but lively music career – he finished his conventional agency career as an Executive Creative Director. In 2018 he chucked this in to co-found a creative cohort that harnessed AI to generate concepts, brand identity and new ways to creatively differentiate. At the time, people thought he and his co-founders had lost their minds. But here we are in 2023 and look at what everyone in marketing is wittering on about. Fancy that!

Derek Ahmedzai, Co-founder, The Peeps

Your data is important to us and we’re committed to protecting it. We have updated our policy to make it easy for you to understand your choices and the control you have over your data. Please review here.


Wed, 11 Dec 2024
15:30 - 17:30




£79 +VAT

BIMA Member Price

£49 +VAT

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