Creating website content your users (and Google) will love

By Kate Jones
14 Sep 2022

I came across a fun game: the LinkedIn viral post generator.

It’s a parody of LinkedIn posts that are written in a formulaic way, picking up on popular writing styles and ideas to attract reactions. Essentially spam posts.

Although it’s for fun, there is a serious point to be made about writing content. Especially in light of the new Google ‘helpful content’ upgrade which launched yesterday (25th August) and is rolling out across websites.

How will the Google upgrade affect websites?

Google search will reward quality content that has been written authentically with your audiences in mind by sending it higher up the search rankings.

Content editors will need to write for people first. Your website content needs to have purpose and show your knowledge and expertise on a subject. Google Search Central explains in more detail what writing content for people first means.

Editors will be penalised for content written specifically for search engines, for example:

Google is advising that content that has been written specifically for search engines should be removed from your website. Search Engine Journal has written a helpful summary of the initial impacts of the upgrade.

Creating a people-first website

Google doesn’t explicitly say how the ‘helpful content’ upgrade searches will work, Google’s search ranking algorithm is a dark art!

I would suggest that when you are writing it’s really important to use your own voice and to write about topics that are important to you. Think about:

We often talk about creating human-centred websites at Studio 24. Writing authentic content is the first step. Thinking about how that content is presented will enhance what Google refers to as the ‘satisfying experience’ for your users. I’ll just touch on two things to consider:

  1. Website Architecture
  2. Technical SEO

Website architecture

Website architecture, also known as information architecture, is something you should invest time in because it helps users to access all your excellent content.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is often managed by developers, but it is helpful for content editors to understand best practices when writing and uploading content.

Technical SEO includes:

In conclusion

Being authentic online should be its own reward, but a little help and validation from Google doesn’t hurt!


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