BIMA Awards 2024 Cassette Group

Produced by: Cassette Group Produced for: Cassette Group


Cassette Group

The Cassette Group has been at the forefront of technological innovation in immersive learning and communication. Over the past year, the UK-based company has assisted some of the largest names in the healthcare and pharmacutical industry in creating new ways for people to learn and develop skills. In particular, the work with Regeneron, Pfizer, Sobi, Takeda and Baxter, have paved new ways for health workers to hone skills using virtual simulation tools that can lead to better care for patients.

These technology advancements by Cassette are the result of a team that priorities its own employees first. Cassette understands that the best talent for a company is not all going to be within commuting distance of an office space, which is why the company is fully remote – attracting talent from across the country as well as allowing employees to continue pursuing their passions outside of work, instead of a long commute.

Cassette Group is a founding member of Anthropy, a movement aimed at inspiring a better future for Britain. The team is always looking to collaborate with like-minded businesses to better the future of the world and drive the next technological advancement that will take us there.


Agency of the Year: Bronze

The team

  • Ben Taylor, CEO and Co-Founder
  • Edward Whitwell, COO and Co-Founder
  • Michael Wyrley-Birch, CSO and Co-Founder

The team met while working together at TRO (part of the Omnicom Group) and recognised that their skills complemented each other perfectly to build an innovative new buisness in Immersive learning and communications. Ben has a clear vision and understanding of the need for enhanced learning and communication within the healthcare space to support training requirments to meet staff shortages. Ed has vast experience of building highly innovative global solutions using cutting edge technology and Michael has a proven track record of building succesful agencies with a global reach. The team retain a strong working relationship and share clients with Omnicom agencies. The founding partners have expand to a fulltime team of 13 supported by additional freelancers. The founders are commited to actively recruit to build a diverse and highly skilled team. This will be across all nine protected characterists and specifically disability, which is currenlty an under supported group. While a small team today, Cassette, is off to a good start with the ambition to buid a thriving business that can make a difference. All created by a highly skilled team working remotely and balancing their desire to produce world class work while living where they want to.