BIMA announces partnership with Digital Catapult

By Rachel Johnson
17 Jun 2018

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This partnership couldn’t have come at a better time. Our AI, immersive & newly launched Blockchain Think Tanks have been tremendously successful in driving the capability of our members.



Tarek Nseir, Co-president of BIMA

Digital Catapult, the UK’s leading advanced digital technology innovation centre and BIMA, The Association for the Digital Industry, form a partnership to help grow the UK’s digital economy.

London, 19th May: Digital Catapult joins forces with BIMA to maximise synergies for the benefit of UK digital businesses. The two organisations will connect via a series of joint networking events and UK-wide breakfast drop-ins, encouraging cross-sector innovation from Digital Catapult into the creative industries, and driving connections and collaborations.

Digital Catapult will offer BIMA members access to thought leadership and facilities in the fields of AI & Machine Learning, immersive technologies and future networks such as 5G, influencing the development of advanced digital technologies and encouraging growth of the UK’s digital economy. In natural synergy with BIMA’s focus on digital capability, and bolstered by its deep insight to media convergence, the partnership will provide new engagement opportunities to the organisation’s 300 corporate members, who have a combined workforce of over 15,000 employees.

Digital Catapult is committed to spreading regional access to its facilities, programmes and research with a network of UK-wide centres. BIMA’s membership will benefit from a series of regional roadshows later in the year, accessing clusters of expertise nationwide. This will include access to Digital Catapult’s network of Immersive Labs around the country, offering access to the latest developments in virtual and augmented reality.

CEO Jeremy Silver comments, ‘We’re thrilled to be strategic partners with BIMA. This is an important opportunity for the UK’s creative industries to collaborate with the early adopter digital innovator community. We are excited to open our centres around the UK to BIMA members, where they can take advantage of our AI and Blockchain experts as well as our network of Immersive labs.’

BIMA President Tarek Nseir says, ‘This partnership couldn’t have come at a better time. Our AI, immersive and newly launched Blockchain Think Tanks have been tremendously successful in driving the capability of our members – and now, with this alliance we will be able to build transformational partnerships between our national members and innovators in their respective fields.’

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