SEO Myths Debunked: What Really Works in 2024

By Ross Crawford
31 May 2024

In the fast-evolving world of digital marketing, SEO remains a cornerstone. Yet, as we step into 2024, the landscape of search engine optimisation is peppered with as many myths as there are truths, leaving many marketers grappling with what really works. It’s time to clear the air. In this article, we’re diving deep to debunk some of the most persistent SEO myths and shine a light on the strategies that are genuinely effective today.

From the outdated belief that keyword stuffing will lift your rankings, to the misconception that more links always lead to better SEO, the misunderstandings are many. With the help of real-world examples from our clients, including CERT and Premiere Klasse, we’ll not only reveal the truth behind these myths but also showcase what’s truly driving success in SEO this year.

Whether you’re a small business owner trying to make your mark or a seasoned marketer looking to update your tactics, stick with us as we uncover what really works in SEO for 2024. Get ready to leave behind outdated practices and embrace the strategies that will propel your website to the top of the search results.

Myth 1: Keywords Are Everything

It’s a common belief that stuffing your content with keywords is the golden ticket to the top of search engine rankings. However, as we move deeper into 2024, it’s clear that this approach is not just outdated, but it can actually harm your SEO performance.

Why Keyword Stuffing No Longer Works

Search engines have evolved. They’re smarter, more nuanced, and focused on user intent rather than mere keyword presence. Google’s algorithms now prioritise content that provides value, relevance, and a good user experience over content that’s packed with keywords. In fact, excessive use of keywords can trigger spam filters and result in lower rankings.

Focus on Keyword Relevance and User Intent

The key to success in today’s SEO landscape is not how many times you can insert a keyword into your text, but how well your content aligns with the needs and questions of your audience. It’s about:

Case Study Reference: Premiere Klasse

Take, for instance, our client, Premiere Klasse. Initially, their website focused heavily on including as many industry-related keywords as possible. However, this strategy did not yield the expected improvements in search rankings. 

After revising their approach to focus on relevance and user intent, targeting keywords specifically related to their speciality in luxury bathroom and kitchen showrooms, they saw a dramatic improvement. Their pages started to rank in the top 5 search results for their key services, leading to increased inquiries and sales.

This example illustrates that while keywords are important, they are just one part of a larger puzzle. SEO success in 2024 relies on a balanced approach that integrates well-researched keywords into high-quality, user-focused content.

Myth 2: More Links are Always Better

One of the oldest pieces of SEO advice is to accumulate as many backlinks as possible to boost your site’s authority and rankings. However, as we navigate SEO in 2024, it’s become evident that this advice is not only outdated but can be detrimental if followed without nuance.

Quality Over Quantity

Modern search engine algorithms have become incredibly sophisticated at evaluating the quality of links. A few high-quality backlinks from reputable, relevant sources are far more valuable than dozens of low-quality links from questionable sites. Search engines now prioritise link relevance and the authority of the linking site, which means that the impact of backlinks on your SEO depends heavily on their quality, not merely their quantity.

The Risks of Link Spamming

Indiscriminately gathering links can lead to penalties from search engines. Practices like buying links, participating in link farms, or using automated programs to generate links are seen as manipulative and can result in a significant drop in rankings. Google’s algorithms, especially, are tuned to recognise and penalise such behaviour.

Building Effective Backlinks

Case Study Reference: Bathroom Eleven

Consider the example of Bathroom Eleven, who is a full-service kitchen designer and installation expert and a client, who benefited significantly from our focused approach to building quality backlinks. Initially, their strategy was to increase the number of backlinks regardless of quality. This approach changed when we shifted focus to securing links from high-authority websites in related niches. 

We helped them grow their referring domains from 93 to over 1200, significantly enhancing their online authority and visibility. This not only improved their search engine rankings but also increased their organic traffic, demonstrating the power of quality over quantity in link-building strategies.

Myth 3: SEO is a One-Time Effort

Many businesses still need to be made aware of the outdated belief that SEO is something you can set and forget. This myth can lead to stagnation and a decline in search engine rankings over time. In reality, SEO is a dynamic and ongoing process that needs to adapt to the continually changing algorithms and market trends.

Why Continuous SEO is Essential

Strategies for Sustaining SEO Momentum

Case Study Reference: CERT

CERT, a property management company, provides a perfect illustration of the importance of ongoing SEO. Initially, CERT had a solid start with 320 ranking keywords but realised over time that maintaining and expanding their SEO efforts was crucial. 

By continuously refining their SEO approach, focusing on on-page optimisation, and expanding their content to address new market trends, they more than doubled their keyword rankings to over 580. This not only boosted their visibility but also significantly increased their user engagement and incoming traffic, with a remarkable increase of new users by nearly 15,000 over the past year.

Myth 4: High Search Volume Keywords Are All You Need

The myth that targeting only high search volume keywords guarantees SEO success is quite prevalent. Many believe that by simply ranking for these popular keywords, their site will attract more traffic and, by extension, more business. However, this approach often overlooks the importance of keyword relevance and the competition associated with these terms.

The Reality of Keyword Strategy

Case Study: Orion Safety Belts

Orion Safety Belts, a provider of bespoke seat belt solutions, illustrates the effectiveness of a nuanced keyword strategy. Initially, they focused primarily on high search volume keywords related to general seat belt repairs. However, this approach did not significantly increase targeted traffic, as the competition for these keywords was intense, and the traffic was not sufficiently niche to their specific services.

We revised their strategy to include a broader range of keywords, particularly long-tail phrases specific to their unique offerings like “custom seat belts for racing” and “bespoke seat belts for buses.” Additionally, we enriched their content with these targeted phrases, which led to a 200% increase in organic traffic. Their blog posts, optimised with these specific keywords, saw a 450% rise in page visits, and they started ranking for 905 distinct keywords within six months.

This case demonstrates that a well-rounded keyword strategy that includes both high-volume and long-tail keywords can significantly enhance SEO effectiveness by attracting more relevant traffic and improving overall engagement.


Throughout this article, we’ve debunked common SEO myths to reveal what really enhances search engine optimisation in 2024. The key takeaway is clear: SEO success requires a nuanced and adaptive approach. Quality over quantity in keywords and backlinks, continuous optimisation, and a strategic mix of high-volume and long-tail keywords are vital.

Our client case studies—CERT, Premiere Klasse, Orion Safety Belts, and Bathroom Eleven—illustrate the real benefits of refining SEO strategies. These examples show that dispelling myths and adopting effective, updated practices can significantly boost your digital presence and business growth.

As SEO continues to evolve, staying informed and flexible will be crucial. Let go of outdated tactics and embrace strategies that ensure measurable success in today’s dynamic digital landscape.

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