Sagittarius Announces Wirehive Platinum Partnership

18 Jan 2019

This week we were pleased to be informed by Wirehive that the agency was a Platinum Partner and that we had been formerly recognised in delivering successful Wirehive hosting solutions to our clients.

As a Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider and Microsoft services reseller, working with Wirehive, the partnership programme enables agencies like Sagittarius to drive new business growth, encourages technical collaboration and provides support in strategic technical infrastructure investments.

What does this mean for Sagittarius’ clients?

Alongside the agencies own events programme, we have additional access to Microsoft to host exclusive workshops looking at technological advancements such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

We’re able to offer a stable, Wirehive wrap-around support offering for our clients on the Azure platform.

Why do brands need any wrap-around support?

Some may be asking what Wirehive wrap-around support is and why they need it? Microsoft Azure when purchased does not come with any direct support and therefore brands will need to work partner with an agency or hosting provider for support and maintenance. As a Platinum Partner with Wirehive, Sagittarius are able to provide direct support as well as Wirehive’s wrap-around support offering with services including:

– 24 x 7 telephone support with Sagittarius and Wirehive teams

– Support Triage – a designated technical resource

– Out of Hours Support – Total Site Failure, Critical Business Support Failure and     Emergency Messaging

We are excited to be working with Wirehive and expanding our Microsoft CSP practice in 2019 alongside Wirehive. If you would like to talk to us about how your brand can utilise Cloud Solutions products or take advantage of Azure hosting solutions and support, we would love to hear from you, call us on 01233 467800 or email

This blog was originally posted on the Sagittarius website on 11th January 2019.


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