8 Benefits of Content Marketing

15 Sep 2017

Ever considered content marketing? Content marketing might be one of the buzzwords of the digital age, but it has been used by companies worldwide since the start of the internet and is designed to work alongside your offline marketing to help raise brand awareness.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a form of online marketing, which creates valuable and customer-focused content with the intention of helping your target audience find you more easily online. Creating content that is geared towards social media and blog posts, for example, is one of the most popular ways of promoting small businesses.

Here are 8 benefits of content marketing:

1. Generates traffic

Content marketing should drive more traffic to your site, especially if the content solves the problems and queries of potential customers or clients. Often, people like to be informed or entertained; therefore, posts that provide real value to your customer base should in turn generate traffic to your website. Content marketing is intended to provide shareable content and then gain mass exposure from your target audience. It should also trigger curiosity amongst existing and current clients.

2. Creates engagement

Content that is geared towards your target audience could create a great deal of audience engagement. It may also make your company appear relatable and approachable to those who wish to know more. It can be difficult to effectively reach and communicate with your target audience online without content marketing; therefore, creating content that is suited to their interests and needs should give your company the correct promotion. Audiences are most likely to engage once the content strategy is successful. In order to notice the effects of your campaigns, you could advise audiences to sign up to newsletters and comment on blog posts.

3. Increases sales

One of the most important reasons for investing in content marketing strategies is to generate more sales. Audiences who are directed to the website through shared content are likely to return again in future or engage with you. However, this all hinges on being able to provide content that is correctly geared towards your target audience.

4. Builds your brand

Communicating who you are as a brand is extremely important when first starting a business. There are so many competitors out there, so getting across your brand’s motivations and personality is essential to long-term success. Content marketing gives businesses control of what they want to publicise and builds a theme and overall attitude for the brand.

5. Promotes authority

Content marketing could be used to create blogs and resources in order to provide expert knowledge on a particular subject. Once audiences get a feel for your insight and authority in a field, they are likely to feel secure and make purchases or sign up to your database. The information read may be of use to audiences and, therefore, builds your brand as a trustworthy platform. The aim is to establish yourself and your company as leaders in the field.

6. Cheaper than alternatives

Unlike other forms of advertising, content marketing is much cheaper than TV and radio advertising. Once blogs and social media profiles are set up, all that is needed is for someone to update those pages and create the desired content. Content marketing also has long-term effects, as well as creating resources which can be accessed 24/7 around the world.

7. Builds loyalty

Content marketing should be posted and updated regularly, as customers appreciate numerous updates. 61% of consumers buy from companies who produce regular posts due to their familiarity with the brand; therefore, it is highly worth thinking about if you are looking to gain a good brand name.

8. Everyone is doing it

If you are hoping to move forward with your company at a quick rate, content marketing is essential to keep up with the pace of your fellow competitors. If not, your company may not survive under the pressures. The majority of companies now rely on content marketing and search engine optimisation (SEO) to get found online. Therefore, it would be highly advised to jump on the bandwagon as soon as possible, to avoid inadvertently leaking custom to your competitors.

In a nutshell, SEO works by incorporating key search terms in your content marketing – that is, in your blog posts, web page content and product descriptions – which your potential customers might enter into search engines when trying to find your business (or a service like yours). This increases your search engine ranking and means you appear closer to the top of the ‘pile’ of results on Google and other search engines, enabling new and existing customers to find you more easily.

If you would like to know how we can help you with your content marketing, digital marketing campaigns, or how we can help improve your customers’ user experience, get in touch!



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