Threads – Exploring the Paid Marketing Opportunity

By Passion Digital
22 May 2024

Written by Federico Faverio

Remember Threads? It rocketed onto the scene in July 2023, blasting past OpenAI’s ChatGPT to become the fastest downloaded app ever, with over 100 million downloads in just five days! But ten months later, the question remains: is Threads a fad or a future force? In this blog post, we’ll dive into where Threads is now and whether it deserves a spot in your brand’s paid media mix. 

What is Threads?

Threads is the new kid on the block from Meta, but it’s all about keeping things close. This text-based social media app lets you ditch the noise and share updates, thoughts and experiences with just your inner circle of friends and followers. 

Is Threads being discontinued? 

Ten months in, Threads shows no signs of slowing down. With a focus on close connections and a positive user reception, it could very well become a major force in the social media world. 

Is the Threads app safe?

Threads prioritises keeping your personal connections close and your data even closer. Meta has invested heavily in privacy (over $5.5 billion since 2019!), building a dedicated team of over 3,000 people to safeguard user information. 

Focus on control:

Threads puts you in charge. You choose who’s in your inner circle and sharing feels seamless and secure. 

Beyond privacy:

Sure, privacy is important, but Threads goes beyond that. It seamlessly integrates with your existing Instagram network and boasts a luxurious, interactive interface for a truly smooth experience. 

Is Threads right for you?

If you’re looking for a way to connect with your closest friends and family in a private, user-friendly space, Threads might be the perfect platform. 

How to follow your friends on Threads

1. Effortless connection: Threads seamlessly integrates with your existing Instagram network, making it a breeze to connect with the people who matter most. Plus, the interactive and smooth interface makes sharing a luxurious experience. 

2. User-friendly and fun: Threads is all about making connections easy. It uses your existing Instagram network, so you don’t need to start from scratch. Plus, the interactive and intuitive design makes it a joy to use

No Instagram? No problem!

Threads is also available for download on iPhone and Android devices. Just search for “Threads” in the App Store or Google Play

How does Threads work?

Threads feels familiar yet fresh. Create a profile and share quick updates with text, photos or videos. Unlike some platforms, Threads encourages focussed connections with a 500-character limit per post. Follow your inner circle and see their updates in a dedicated feed, keeping you connected without the overwhelming noise. 

How does Threads work as a paid social channel?

While paid advertising isn’t available on Threads right now (expected later in 2024!), this platform still holds promise for brands. Here’s how: 

Organic growth powerhouse: Focus on building an organic presence. Engage your audience with authentic, valuable threads like Netflix does (they have 5.4 million followers!). Repurpose content or create threads that spark conversations within your community. 

Influencer playground: Threads thrives on close connections. Partner with relevant influencers to tap into the network effect and reach new audiences. 

The bottom line: Threads ins’t just about broadcasting messages, it’s about fostering genuine connections. Be creative, be engaging and be ready to build brand loyalty in a more personal way. 

Bonus tip: With paid ads coming soon, experiment with organic strategies now to build a strong foundation for future paid campaigns. 


1. Know your crew, craft killer threads: To truly shine on Threads, understanding your audience is key. Tailor your content to resonate with their interests and strike the perfect balance between promoting your brand and sharing valuable insights. 

2. Ditch the pitch, spark the chat: Forget salesy pitches! On Threads, it’s all about authentic connection. Craft content that sparks conversations and offers real value to your audience. Think insights, not commercials. This keeps them engaged and wanting to hear what you have to say next. 

Here are specific tips for effective Threads:

While paid advertising isn’t on Threads yet, there’s still plenty you can do to build brand love and a loyal following. Here are some winning strategies: 

1. Visual storytelling: Eye-catching visuals are powerful. Use high-quality images and videos that complement your content and grab attention. Remember, Threads is about personal connections, so keep the visuals authentic and relevant  and led

2. Consistency is key: Regular posting builds trust and keeps your audience engaged. Don’t disappear – create a regular posting schedule and stick to it 

3. Cross-promote your threads: Don’t let your Threads content languish in isolation. Promote your threads across your other social media channels to drive traffic and encourage sharing 

Ready to get started? 

By implementing these tips, you’ll be well-positioned to hit the ground running when paid advertising becomes available on Threads. You’ll have a foundation of engaged followers eager to connect with your brand in a more personal way. 

Bonus tip: Experiment with different types of content – polls, questions, behind-the-scenes glimpses – to see what resonates best with your audience.

Threads’ rival Twitter (now know as X)

The social media landscape is constantly shifting and Threads – the new text-based platform from Meta – is a rising star. Its arrival coincides with a period of significant change at its competitor X (formerly Twitter). 

A time of change: 

X’s recent takeover by Elon Musk sparked controversy and led to a major shift in how brands and users interact on the platform. This, in turn, triggered a wave of users seeking alternative platforms for close connections. 

Enter Threads:

Meta’s Threads launched right when the need for a more intimate social space was most evident. With its focus on private sharing and close connections, Threads quickly captured the attention of social media enthusiasts. 

The comparison game:

Given their similar text-based focus, it’s natural to wonder how Threads and X stack up. Let’s dive into a comparison to see which platform might be the right fit for you. 

Advantages of Threads

While X has been a social media mainstay, Threads offers a compelling alternative, especially for those seeking a more intimate and engaging experience. Here’s how Threads stands out: 

1. Streamlined design: Threads boasts a user-friendly interface that makes conversations easier to follow. Plus, its seamless integration with Instagram features like stories and DMs creates a familiar and enjoyable experience. 

2. Focus on close connections: Unlike X’s often-public nature, Threads fosters a more intimate environment. You can create a close friends list to share thoughts and experiences with a select group, fostering a sense of closeness and privacy.

3. Ideal for sharing more: Threads lets you delve deeper with a higher character limit than X, allowing for richer discussion and in-depth information sharing. 

4. Visually appealing: Threads prioritises photos and videos, making it a more visually engaging platform for both individual expression and brand storytelling. 

5. Future advertising potential: As part of Meta, Threads offers the potential for simpler, more integrated advertising through Meta ads compared to X’s platform. 

6. Faster community growth: Leverage your existing Instagram network. Threads allows you to notify your followers about your new account, potentially accelerating community growth for businesses. 

7. Constant innovation: Threads is actively evolving. They incentivise high-profile creators to boost engagement (think $5,000 bonuses for posting!) and are testing new features like “Recent” filters to let users discover trending topics 

The takeaway:

Whether you’re an individual looking for a more intimate space to connect with close friends or a business seeking a platform for deeper engagement, Threads offers a compelling mix of features and potential that X may not provide. 

Drawbacks and limitations of Threads: 

While Threads offers exciting features, it’s important to be aware of some potential drawbacks before you jump in: 

1. Finding your niche: Threads might not be the perfect fit for all businesses. If your target audience is broad, you may want to consider other platforms with larger user bases. Remember, the initial hype has settled, so reach might be lower than during launch

2. Building your crew: Growing a thriving community takes time and effort. Be prepared to invest time and resources into building an active user base on Threads. 

3. Standing out in the crowd: Threads is still relatively new, competing against established social media giants. It may take some creative strategies to cut through the noise and attract your ideal audience. 

4. Features in progress: Threads is under development and some features users might expect, like search functions, direct messaging or a follow-only timeline, haven’t been implemented yet. This could limit user engagement for now. 

The bottom line:

Weigh the pros and cons to see if Threads aligns with your overall marketing strategy. While it may not be perfect for every brand, its focus on close connections and future advertising potential make it a platform worth keeping an eye on. 

How is Threads different from X?

The future of Threads and paid channels:

Threads – the new text-based platform from Meta – is shaking things up in the short-form written content space, potentially challenging X’s dominance. For businesses, this is an exciting time to explore emerging platforms like Threads. Here’s why: 

However, it’s important to consider some factors before diving in

The verdict? Threads is a platform to watch 

While the future of Threads remains to be seen, its innovative approach and focus on close connections make it a platform worth keeping an eye on. Carefully weigh the pros and cons to see if it aligns with your overall marketing strategy. Threads might not be the solution for everyone, but its potential for deeper audience engagement is undeniable. 

Threads has emerged as a social media contender with its focus on close connections and a user-friendly experience. Backed by Meta, it offers an intriguing opportunity for brands to engage audiences in a new way. 

Here’s the catch

Threads is still young. The user base is growing, but may not be as vast as established platforms. Additionally, some key features like search functions are still in development. 

The takeaway:

Carefully consider how Threads aligns with your overall marketing goals. If fostering deeper connections with your audience is a priority, Threads could be a valuable addition to your social media mix. 

Ready to explore your options?

Whether you’re considering Threads or other digital marketing platforms, we can help! We offer a range of services, including SEO optimisation, PPC advertising and social media strategy development. Let’s discuss your goals and craft a plan to help you achieve them. 


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